Take Action and Unite Once More!

For the past months we had been working on what could probably be one of the biggest projects we will ever undertake this school year, and that is the National CyberFair that was launched last February 2011. Being a part of this contest, I have to say, it was one heck of a roller coaster. Many nights spent working on the project, ironing out the many errors and other products of carelessness in our work, quarrels with our groupmates and trying our best to fit into our already tight schedule the things we need to do to accomplish this. These are just some of the many roadblocks we had to face in doing our project. Still, setting aside these obstacles, the times we spent making this project was quite fun.

At first, I hesitated in joining the CyberFair. I reluctantly joined, not knowing what lied ahead. However, when I got down and dirty, things started to get exciting. It was a good test where I can see how good my web development skills are. Also, I got to know more our counterparts from the regular section and got closer to them. Having chosen the category Local Leaders, the person we chose was Ingrid Payaket, who was really famous around the country. When I heard that we would interview her, I got a little excited, knowing that we would meet an actual celebrity personally, without any screaming fans around her. Haha :) We tried our best to make our site as good as it can be. So, we (we as in one of my groupmates) asked help from the former participants of CyberFair in our school for some helpful tips and tricks in improving our site. We (we as in he) used these tricks to give our site a boost up. I have to say, it's pretty good as I see it.

I have learned many things in joining the CyberFair. As my teacher often points out, teamwork and respect are very important. Both are needed if one desires a successful project, as shown here. Also, time management can be very helpful, seeing was we were already stuck with many requirements even before we joined the CyberFair. I will never forget the many fun and also not-so-fun times we had during our roller-coaster ride in the cyberFair competition. It was a very worthwhile experience for me, one where I have learned many things.
Creative Commons Licence
Elevator Music by Marc Pulmano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at classicalsixstring.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at classicalsixstring.blogspot.com.