Ad astra per aspera.

Hello? Testing, testing. Is this thing on? OK, let's start! Hi there! I'm Marc Pulmano, a citizen of this earth for 14 years and counting. I like to listen to music, especially rock, alternative, and classical music. I also play the guitar and the piano, although the latter I'm not that good at. I'm also a bookworm (I have lots of books in my room). For me, any book would do, as long as it interests me and catches my eye. I am also an avid gamer. Among my favorite genres are FPS, RPG, and platformers. I am also quite fond of eating, so much that my physique has gotten a bit...large. I'm interested in Medicine, and I want to be a successful surgeon when I grow up. I also like Math and Science, both of which are my favorite subjects at school. My motto is "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let everyone wonder how you did it." In other words, be unique. Be yourself. The lemonade is clichéd. Everyone is making lemonade. Don't just follow the trend. Be the trend. That's my plan, to do my own thing.

This is my first time blogging, and frankly, I'm not that comfortable with it. I'm used to keeping things to myself, so these kinds of things, namely sharing your thoughts, are...not that familiar to me. As you can see, my blog is fairly empty (for now). My blog isn't really focused on a single, particular topic, although expect to see stuff related to music (as made obvious by the template).You may have noticed the title of this post, which is in Latin. It means "to the stars through difficulties", and that is what I plan to do in life. To be what I want to be, to overcome any obstacle that comes in my way. Sounds nice, eh? How come things always sound good in Latin, anyway?

Music is my life. Well, not entirely, only a part of it. Before I sleep, after I wake up, while eating at home, doing homework or projects, there is always music blaring. Whether it's Bon Jovi, Guns and Roses, Stephen Speaks, The Beatles, Parokya ni Edgar, or Rivermaya, I cannot live without music. Everything I do, there is music in it. I have been greatly influenced by music. Not only do I listen to music, I play music. My dad used to play classic songs from the '70s and '80s on the guitar. He inspired me to learn how to play the guitar, and now, my guitar is and always will be one of my most treasured possessions of all time. Recently, I am learning how to play the piano by myself. Final Fantasy is one of my favorite game series, and the soundtrack is just heavenly, especially the piano versions of those songs. Nobuo Uematsu is a musical genius, and the song "Aerith's Theme", composed by him, was the spark that ignited my interest in the piano.

Technology is also a big part of my life, so much that I can't seem to imagine life without it. Each and every day science keeps on going forward. I hope I will be able to live long enough to at least experience flying cars and public space travel.

I could keep going on and on and on, but I would probably fill the whole page. That's it. I hope you got to know much about yours truly. See you next time!

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Elevator Music by Marc Pulmano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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